Card No | Rarity | Name | Class | Type | Subtype | Atk Type | Unique | Cost | Atk | HP | Ability |  | C | Rain of Arrows? | Hunter | Ability | | | | 2 | | | If no friendly allies have attacked this turn, all opposing allies take X damage, where X is the number of Hunter allies you control. Exhaust all friendly allies. |  | C | Krugal Lookout? | Hunter | Ally | Krugal | Bow | | 2 | 1 | 4 | 0: Exhaust Krugal Lookout: Target opposing ally takes 1 + X damage, where X is the number of cards drawn by that ally's controller this turn. |  | C | Krugal Trapper? | Hunter | Ally | Krugal | Bow | | 2 | 2 | 2 | When Krugal Trapper is summoned, you may seek a trap or Hunter artifact with cost 4 or less. |  | C | Hunting Party? | Hunter | Ability | | | | 2 | | | If an opposing ally has been killed this turn, draw card for each Hunter ally of Wild ally you control, to a maximum of 3. |  | U | Sneerkrug? | Hunter | Ally | Krugal | Bow | Unique | 3 | 2 | 5 | Defender. Other friendly allies with Bow attack can't be attacked while Sneerkrug is undamaged. |  | C | Camouflaged Foe? | Hunter | Item | Trap | | | 3 | | | Play face down. The next time an opposing ally is summoned, Camouflaged Foe becomes a readied Krugal ally with 2 bow base attack, 4 health and ambush, and it attacks the opposing ally if able. |  | U | Krugal Butcher? | Hunter | Ally | Krugal | Bow | | 5 | 5 | 4 | When Krugal Butcher is summoned, target poisoned or disabled ally is killed. |