カード番号 | レアリティ | カード名 | ファクション | タイプ1 | タイプ2 | ユニーク | コスト | 耐久力 | 能力 |  | C | Call of the Wild? | Neutral | Ability | Support | | 4 | | Duration 1. When Call of the Wild is summoned, draw 2 cards. The next 3 Wild allies you summon this turn each cost you 2 less resources. Friendly Wild allies have +1 attack. |  | E | Obsidian Pendant? | Neutral | Item | Artifact | | 1 | | 4: Target item or ability is destroyed and your hero loses 1 shadow energy. Obsidian Pendant is exiled. |  | C | Outlaws' Hideout? | Neutral | Item | Artifact | | 3 | | When your deck is shuffled while you control no non-Outlaw allies, draw a card (max twice per turn). 0: Target friendly Outlaw ally is shuffled into its owner's deck: 2 used resources are renewed. |  | C | Hit ant Run? | Neutral | Ability | Attachment | | 1 | | Attach to target friendly Outlaw ally. Opposing allies dealt combat damage by that ally are killed. At the end of your turn, Hit ant Run is exiled and the ally it was attached to si shuffled into its owner's deck. |  | C | Poisoned Well? | ニュートラル | アイテム | アーティファクト | | 1 | | 自分ターン開始時、自分がコントロールしているアイテムの数だけ1点の毒ダメージを受け、Poisoned Wellを破壊する。 (2): このカードのコントロールを相手に移し、1点の毒ダメージを与える。 |  | U | Higher Ground? | ニュートラル | アビリティ | サポート | | 2 | | Duration 3.defenderを持っている自分のアリーの攻撃力+1する。 (2): 可能であれば相手のアリー1体は自分のアリー1体を攻撃する。 |  | C | By The Sword? | ニュートラル | アビリティ | サポート | | 2 | | Duration 3.剣攻撃を持つ自分のアリーを召喚したターン終了時に基礎攻撃力+1体力+1する。 |  | C | Gladiator's Glory? | Neutral | Ability | Attachment | | 2 | | Attach to target weapon you control. When your hero kills an ally in combat, draw a card. |  | C | Cage Match? | Neutral | Ability | | | 1 | | Target friendly ally and target opposing ally take damage equal to each other's attack. |  | C | Blood Rushu? | Neutral | Ability | Attachment | | 2 | | Attach to your hero. Friendly allies take 1 damage and gain +1 bese attack at the end of the turn they were summoned. |