|コール オブ ザ クリスタル|ダーク プロフェシス|シャッタード フェイツ|ロスト ランズ|キャンペーンズ|
|Call of the Crystal|Dark Prophecies|Shattered Fates|Lost Lands|Campaigns|
Human ally
Card No | Rarity | Name | Faction | Type | Subtype | Atk Type | Unique | Cost | ATK | HP | Ability |
 | U | Layarian Knight? | Human | Ally | | | | 2 | 2 | 3 | All combat damage to Layarian Knight from allies is reduced by 1. All ability damage to Layarian Knight is increased by 1. |
 | R | Layarian Sentinel? | Human | Ally | | | | 3 | 3 | 4 | Defender (When this ally is attacked, the attacker takes combat damage first.) Layarian Sentinel does -2 combat damage while attacking. |
Shadow Ally
Card No | Rarity | Name | Faction | Type | Subtype | Atk Type | Unique | Cost | ATK | HP | Ability |
 | U | Phaedon Barbarian? | Shadow | Ally | | | | 4 | 3 | 4 | When your hero kills an ally in combat while you control a weapon with sword or claw attack, Phaedon Barbarian is readied. |
 | R | Phaedon Commander? | Shadow | Ally | | | | 5 | 5 | 4 | When Phaedon Commander is summoned, target other friendly Shadow ally has all negative effects removed, takes 1 damage and gains +1 base attack. |