|コール オブ ザ クリスタルズ|ダーク プロフェシーズ|シャッタード フェイツ|ロスト ランズ|キャンペーンズ|
|Call of the Crystals|Dark Prophecies|Shattered Fates|Lost Lands|Campaigns|

Lost Lands Card List

Human ally

Card NoRarityNameFactionTypeSubtypeAtk TypeUniqueCostATKHPAbility
ll001CVigilant Wisp?HumanAllyHomunculusElectric214Meek (this ally can't attack heroes).
2SE: Seek a Homunculus ally (if your hand is not full, reveal a Homunculus ally from your deck and place it in your hand; shuffle your deck).
ll002REntangled Wisp?HumanAllyHomunculusElectric334Other friendly Homunculus allies have +1 attack. Entangled Wisp has immunity to electrical damage.
ll003CUnaxio Squire?HumanAllyTemplar204Meek (this ally can't attack heroes).
0: Until the start of your next turn, target friendly ally has +2 attack.
ll004UUnaxio Bannerman?HumanAllyTemplar325While an ability has been discarded from your hand this turn, friendly Templar allies have +1 attack.
1: Target ability in your hand is discarded: Target friendly Templar ally gains haste.
ll005ESabreen, Hand of Unaxio?HumanAllyTemplarArcaneUnique323While Sabreen is the only ally you control, she has haste.
1: Target card in your hand is discarded: target opposing ally takes 2 arcane damage.
ll006RGeneral of Unaxio?HumanAllyTemplarArcane526When General of Unaxio is summoned, you may seek an attachment that can't attach to a hero.
ll007CTwilight Shepherdess?HumanAllyTwilight3161: Target other friendly ally with X cost gains Twilight alignment: X used resources are renewed and that friendly ally is killed at the end of your turn.
ll008UTwilight LuminaryHumanAllyTwilight426Friendly Twilight allies with cost 2 or less have haste.
2SE: Seek a Twilight ally (if your hand is not full, reveal a Twilight ally from your deck and place it in your hand; shuffle your deck).
ll009UTwilight Orphic?HumanAllyTwilight333When Twilight Orphic enters play, all other friendly Twilight allies gain +1 health. When Twilight Orphic is killed, all opposing allies are reduced by 1 health.
ll010EAvatar of TwilightHumanAllyTwilightUnique655When Avatar of Twilight is summoned, the top 2 Twilight allies in your graveyard with cost 5 or less are returned to play with 1 base attack and their health reduced to 1.
ll011EKallista, Twilight Matriarch?HumanAllyTwilightUnique5370: Target other friendly Twilight ally is readied, and killed at the end of your turn.
ll012CRoyal Guard?HumanAlly223Royal Guard gains ambush when you summon a weapon, defender when you summon an armor, shroud when you summon an artifact, haste when you summon a support ability, steadfast when you summon an attachment and protector when you summon a location.
ll013UAscetic of the Vale?HumanAlly527Steadfast. While there are no items in play, Ascetic of the Vale has +2 attack.
2: Target item is returned to its owner's hand.
ll014CVozitian Saboteur?HumanAlly222When Vozitian Saboteur is summoned, you may exile target item or ability with cost 2 or less and Vozitian Saboteur is placed in the graveyard.
ll015EIpshtuer Leander?HumanAllyUnique426Once per turn, when an item becomes an ally under your control, draw a card.
0SE: Draw 3 cards and put them on the top of your deck in any order.

Shadow Ally

Card NoRarityNameFactionTypeSubtypeAtk TypeUniqueCostATKHPAbility
ll016UFlame Spitter?ShadowAllyHomunculusFire314When an opposing hero or ally enters combat with Flame Spitter, that hero or ally takes 2 fire damage.
ll017CSword Gobbler?ShadowAllyHomunculus213While you control a weapon, Sword Gobbler has +2 attack. When Sword Gobbler is summoned, you may exile target weapon in a graveyard; if you do, Sword Gobbler gains +1 base attack and +1 health.
ll018CCaged Savage?ShadowAllyRavagerClaw106While Caged Savage has attack less than 3, it can't attack or defend. When Caged Savage is dealt damage, it gains +1 base attack.
ll019UFeasterling?ShadowAllyRavagerClaw213Sustain: 1HP.
0: Feasterling has +2 attack until the end of the turn, and your hero takes 1 damage.
ll020UTowering Brute?ShadowAllyRavagerClaw417Towering Brute has +2 attack while damaged. Opposing allies have -2 attack the turn they enter play.
ll021RHellfire Besieger?ShadowAllyRavagerFire5361: Target item or ability you control is destroyed: target opposing hero or ally takes 4 fire damage.
ll022EBrakkong, Menace of Thriss?ShadowAllyRavagerClawUnique747For each item and ability you control, Brakkong costs you 1 less resource to summon.
0: Target other friendly ally takes 1 damage and target opposing ally takes 2 damage.
ll023CKiruth Devotee?ShadowAllyUndeadIce214Meek (this ally can't attack heroes).
3: When target other ally is killed, it is returned to play under your control with no abilities and Undead alignment.
ll024EForgotten Horror?ShadowAllyUndeadIce654When Forgotten Horror enters play during your turn, all friendly non-Undead allies are frozen for 1 turn and the opposing ally with the highest attack takes 4 ice damage and is frozen for 1 turn.
ll025RWulven Traitor?ShadowAllyWulvenClaw213While Wulven Traitor is the only Wulven ally you control, it has ambush. While you control a non-Wulven hero, draw a card at the end of each turn you summoned another Wulven ally.
ll026EWildfang, Wulven Renegade?ShadowAllyWulvenClawUnique325While Wildfang is the only Wulven ally you control, he has ambush. While you control a non-Wulven hero, the first other Wulven ally you summon each turn costs you 1 less resource.
ll027CDarkwood Leech?ShadowAllyClaw223When Darkwood Leech is killed or discarded from anywhere, your hero heals 2 damage and Darkwood Leech is exiled.
ll028UBlack-Sky Behemoth?ShadowAllyIce444When Black-Sky Behemoth is summoned, up to 2 different target allies with cost 2 or less are killed: Black-sky Behemoth takes 2 damage for each ally killed this way.
ll029CFrostflame Harpy?ShadowAllyHomunculusIce213When Frostflame Harpy is summoned while any opposing player has resources equal or greater than yours, she gains +1 health.
0: Target opposing hero or ally takes 1 fire damage.
ll030EBarrabus the Tainted?ShadowAllyAldmorUnique747When Barrabus is summoned by a non-hero ability, all heroes lose their stored shadow energy: target opposing ally takes 1 damage for each shadow energy lost this way.
2SE: All opposing heroes and allies take 2 damage.

Neutral Ally

Card NoRarityNameFactionTypeSubtypeAtk TypeUniqueCostAtkHPAbility
ll031CBarrenland Gremlin?NeutralAllyHomunculusClaw1030SE: Target item with durability that you control loses 1 durability: Barrenland Gremlin gains +1 base attack.
ll032REternal Troll?NeutralAllyHomunculusClaw322When Eternal Troll is killed while no friendly Eternal Troll entered play this turn, it is returned to play.
ll033CArmored Packbeast?NeutralAllyHomunculusClaw314All damage to Armored Packbeast is reduced by 1. At the end of each of your turns, adjacent heroes and allies heal 1 damage.
ll034UStalactitan?NeutralAllyHomunculusIce435Stalactitan can't be frozen, has immunity to ice damage and has +1 attack for each frozen ally in play.
3: Target opposing ally is frozen for 1 turn.
ll035EVoid Wretch?NeutralAllyHomunculusClaw748Steadfast. For each location in play, Void Wretch costs 1 less resource to summon. When a card is exiled, all opposing heroes take 1 damage.
0SE: The active location is exiled.
ll036CChild of Aldmor?NeutralAllyAldmor111When Child of Aldmor is summoned, all heroes gain +1 shadow energy.
0SE: Child of Aldmor is shuffled into its owner's deck.
ll037CAldmor Interceptor?NeutralAllyAldmor204While your hero has more shadow energy than all opposing heroes, Aldmor Interceptor has haste and +1 attack.
1SE: Target non-Aldmor ally can't attack or defend until the start of your next turn.
ll038RDarklight Apprentice?NeutralAllyAldmor214While you control no other Aldmor allies, Darklight Apprentice has meek.
0SE: If another non-hero ability has been activated with shadow energy this turn, your hero gains +1 shadow energy.
ll039CGloomwielder?NeutralAllyAldmor334While no opposing hero has more shadow energy than your hero, other Aldmor allies you control can't be targeted by summoned abilities by opposing players.
ll040UAldmor Artisan?NeutralAllyAldmor325The first artifact with cost 4 or greater you summon each turn costs 2 less resources.
2SE: Seek an artifact with cost 4 or greater.
ll041RAldmor Scout?NeutralAllyAldmor314Haste.
2SE: Seek an Aldmor ally (if your hand is not full: reveal an Aldmor ally from your deck and place it in your hand; shuffle your deck).
ll042CAldmor Sentry?NeutralAllyAldmor536Aldmor Sentry can't be disabled, and opposing allies have meek the turn they are summoned.
2SE: Target non-Aldmor ally is disabled for 2 turns.
ll043EAldmor Chieftan?NeutralAllyAldmor425Aldmor allies you control have +1 attack.
3SE: Target non-Aldmor ally is exiled.
ll044CAldmor Scavenger?NeutralAllyAldmor426While you control an artifact, Aldmor Scavenger has defender.
1SE: Target artifact in a graveyard is placed into your hand.
ll045EAncient of Aldmor?NeutralAllyAldmorClaw739For each Aldmor ally you control, Ancient of Aldmor costs you 1 less resource to summon. Ancient of Aldmor has +X attack, where X is the amount of shadow energy your hero has stored.
ll046UAldmor Sharpshooter?NeutralAllyAldmorBow425While there is an undamaged opposing ally, Aldmor Sharpshooter's ability does not exhaust.
1SE: Up to 2 different target non-Aldmor allies take 1 damage.
ll047EAldmor Vanquisher?NeutralAllyAldmor545When Aldmor Vanquisher is summoned, target opposing ally takes 1 damage. 1SE: All damaged opposing allies take 2 damage.
ll048RDauntless of Aldmor?NeutralAllyAldmor536While your hero has shadow energy, Dauntless of Aldmor has +1 attack for each damaged Aldmor ally and immunity to enemy attachments.
ll049UGolem Engineer?NeutralAllyAldmor315When an artifact you control awakens, it gains +1 health.
0SE: The next artifact which awakens this turn is readied. Remove one of your resources from play.
ll050EAldreides the Aged?NeutralAllyAldmorUnique737Shroud. Once per your turn, when an ability is activated with shadow energy, all opposing heroes lose 1 shadow energy.
2SE: Draw 2 cards and shuffle target card in your hand into its owner's deck.


Card NoRarityNameClassTypeSubtypeAtk TypeUniqueCostAtkHPAbility
ll051UChaos Engine?WarriorItemArtifact2When an item or support ability is targeted and destroyed on your turn, your hero gains +1 shadow energy and you draw a card.
ll052CWar Cry?WarriorAbilitySupport2Duration 3. When your hero deals combat damage on your turn, draw a card.
ll053CBattle Charge?WarriorAbilitySupport2Duration 3.
0: Your hero takes 1 damage, and your weapons have +2 attack while in combat with allies until the end of the turn.
ll054CFlurry of Blows?WarriorAbility2Up to 3 different target allies take 1 damage (or 2 damage if you control a weapon or armor).
ll055CBraxnorian Weaponsmith?WarriorAlly324When Braxnorian Weaponsmith is summoned, you may seek a weapon with cost 4 or less and place it on top of your deck. If that weapon's cost is 3 or less, draw a card.
ll056CYari Plunderer?WarriorAllyYari435When Yari Plunderer is summoned while you don't control a weapon, target weapon in a graveyard is returned to play under your control with 1 durability and +1 base attack.
ll057UWar Giant?WorriorAlly638All combat damage to War Giant is reduced by 1. While War Giant is attacking, opposing allies have defender. When War Giant deals combat damage to an ally, that ally is exiled.
ll058UCarnage?WorriorAbilityAttachment2Attach to your hero. When Carnage is summoned, weapons you control gain +1 base attack. When your hero kills an ally in combat, all friendly allies gain +1 base attack.
ll059RFuzam, Yari Blademaster?WorriorAllyYariUnique2230: Exhaust Fuzam: Target weapon you control has +X attack until the end of your turn, where X is Fuzam's attack.
ll060RNanaya, Yari Conqueror?WorriorAllyYariUnique658Your weapons and non-Yari Warrior allies have +1 attack. Once per turn, when another friendly ally leaves combat with an opposing ally, Nanaya attacks that opposing ally if able.


Card NoRarityNameClassTypeSubtypeAtk TypeUniqueCostAtkHPAbility
ll061CPopsickle?MageAllyUndeadIce214Popsickle has +1 attack while there is a frozen ally in play. 0: Popsickle attacks target opposing frozen ally if able.
ll062USubdue?MageAbilityAttachment3Attach to target opposing ally. That ally has Sustain: 1HP and -2 attack. Allies adjacent to that ally have -1 attack.
ll063CDisarming Personality?MageAbility3Target weapon with X base attack or armor with X defense becomes a readied ally with X base attack, health equal to its durability and no abilities.
ll064CLeash of Life?MageItemArtifact2While an ally is adjacent to your hero, that ally has immunity to enemy attachments and +1 health and its abilities cost 2 less resources to activate.
ll065CLibing Ice Wall?MageItemArtifact3While Living Ice Wall is a frozen ally, it has protector.
0SE: If Living Ice Wall is an artifact, it becomes an ally with 2 ice base attack and 5 health and it is frozen for 2 turns.
ll066CTempest Runebearer?MageAllyElectric325Ability damage to Tempest Runebearer is reduced by 1. While ability damage has been dealt this turn, Tempest Runebearer has +1 attack.
ll067USuspended Animation?MageAbility4Target item in a graveyard is returned to play under your control as a Homunculus ally with 2 ice base attack, 3 health and no abilities: all opposing allies are frozen for 1 turn.
ll068UShadowbolt?MageAbility4Target opposing ally takes 5+X electrical damage and your hero gains +1 shadow energy, where X is the number of copies of Shadowbolt in your graveyard.
ll069RIsadora Stormrage?MageAllyElectricUnique517When you summon a Mage ability, Isadora is readied. When Isadora attacks an ally on your turn, ability damage to opposing allies is increased by 1 until the end of the turn.
1: Target opposing hero or ally takes 2 electrical damage.
ll070RLilyt of Orem?MageAllyElectricUnique5272: Target item in a graveyard is returned to play under your control as a Homunculus ally with 1 electrical base attack, 2 health and no abilities. All friendly Homunculus allies gain +1 base attack and +1 health.


Card NoRarityNameClassTypeSubtypeAtk TypeUniqueCostAtkHPAbility
ll071CRain of Arrows?HunterAbility2If no friendly allies have attacked this turn, all opposing allies take X damage, where X is the number of Hunter allies you control. Exhaust all friendly allies.
ll072CKrugal Lookout?HunterAllyKrugalBow2140: Exhaust Krugal Lookout: Target opposing ally takes 1 + X damage, where X is the number of cards drawn by that ally's controller this turn.
ll073CKrugal Trapper?HunterAllyKrugalBow222When Krugal Trapper is summoned, you may seek a trap or Hunter artifact with cost 4 or less.
ll074CHunting Party?HunterAbility2If an opposing ally has been killed this turn, draw a card for each Hunter ally or Wild ally you control, to a maximum of 3.
ll075USneerkrug?HunterAllyKrugalBowUnique325Defender. Other friendly allies with Bow attack can't be attacked while Sneerkrug is undamaged.
ll076CCamouflaged Foe?HunterItemTrap3Play face down. The next time an opposing ally is summoned, Camouflaged Foe becomes a readied Krugal ally with 2 bow base attack, 4 health and ambush, and it attacks the opposing ally if able.
ll077UKrugal Butcher?HunterAllyKrugalBow554When Krugal Butcher is summoned, target poisoned or disabled ally is killed.
ll078UDouble Back?HunterAbilitySupport1Duration 1. Hunter allies cost 1 less resource to summon.
0: Target Trap in your hand is discarded: The bottom Hunter ally in your graveyard is shuffled into your deck and you draw 2 cards.
ll079RKrugal Braggart?HunterAllyKrugalBow213When Krugal Braggart is summoned, target opposing ally takes 1 damage. When Krugal Braggart kills an ally, he gains +2 base attack.
ll080RKrugal Quickshot?HunterAllyKrugalBow4260: Exhaust Krugal Quickshot: Up to X different target opposing allies take 2 damage, where X is Krugal Quickshot's attack value.


Card NoRarityNameClassTypeSubtypeAtk TypeUniqueCostAtkHPAbility
ll081CZailen Scholar?PriestAllyTemplarArcane214When Zailen Scholar is targeted by an ability on your turn, 1 of your resources is renewed. When you end your turn while Zailen Scholar has an attachment and is adjacent to your hero, draw a card.
ll082CSacred Martyr?PriestAbilityAttachment1Attach to target friendly ally. When that ally is dealt damage on an opposing player's turn, your hero heals an equal amount.
ll083CTemplar Advantist?PriestAllyTemplarArcane214While Templar Adventist has an attachment, he has +1 attack and +1 health. At the end of each turn Templar Adventist was targeted by an ability, all opposing heroes take 1 arcane damage.
ll084CSage Return?PriestAbilityAttachment2Attach to target friendly ally. All damage to that ally is reduced by 1. When that ally is killed, it is returned to its owner's hand.
ll085CBlessed Charge?PriestAbilityAttachment2Attach to target friendly ally. That ally has +1 attack. When Blessed Charge is targeted and destroyed, your hero gains +1 shadow energy and all opposing allies take 2 arcane damage.
ll086UVera, High Priestess?PriestAllyTemplarArcaneUnique434When Vera is summoned while you control Ergon, your hero heals 4 damage and you draw 2 cards. 0SE: Vera is returned to your hand: exchange Vera with the bottom card of your resource pile.
ll087UErgon, Grand Inquisitor?PriestAllyTemplarArcaneUnique443When Ergon is summoned while you control Vera, all opposing allies take 3 arcane damage.
0SE: Ergon is returned to his owner's hand: exchange Ergon with the bottom card of his owner's deck.
ll088UTemptation?PriestAbility1Your hero takes 2 damage and gains +1 shadow energy. When Temptation is discarded from anywhere, your hero heals 2 damage and opposing heroes lose 1 shadow energy.
ll089RKnight of the Crimson Dusk?PriestAlly546When damage is dealt to Knight of the Crimson Dusk, your hero heals 2 damage. Once per turn, when damage is dealt to your hero, Knight of the Crimson Dusk gains +1 health and has +2 attack until the start of your next turn.
ll090RAdlard the Just?PriestAllyTemplarArcaneUnique728When Adlard is summoned, all opposing allies take 2 arcane damage. When Adlard deals damage, your hero heals 1 damage.
1SE: Target opposing hero or ally takes 2 arcane damage.


Card NoRarityNameClassTypeSubtypeAtk TypeUniqueCostAtkHPAbility
ll091CGrave Robber?RogueAlly214When Grave Robber is summoned after your Turn 2, you may discard target card in your hand to put the top ally or item in target opponent's graveyard into your hand.
ll092CCovert Operative?RogueAlly202When Covert Operative is summoned, target ally is returned to its controller's hand and that player takes control of Covert Operative. Covert Operative has stealth while his attack is 0.
ll093CRabble Rouser?RogueAlly322When Rabble Rouser is summoned, you draw a card and friendly Rogue allies have +2 attack and meek (they can't attack heroes) until the end of the turn.
ll094CMaster of Disguise?RogueAlly426Ambush. When Master of Disguise is discarded from anywhere, the bottom Rogue ally in your graveyard is shuffled into your deck and you draw a card.
ll095CTurncoat?RogueAbilityAttachment4Attach to target opposing ally. At the start of each of its controller's turns, that ally does 2 damage to allies adjacent to it and they are poisoned.
ll096UDhalia Blackrose?RogueAllyUnique545When Dhalia Blackrose is summoned, you may discard target weapon in your hand with X cost; if you do, target opposing ally with cost X or less is killed.
ll097UDisguise Kit?RogueItemArtifact521D: Target ally in your hand is discarded: each opponent discards a card from their hand at random.
ll098UBlack Market?RogueItemArtifact2Allies and items you do not own cost you 2 less resources to summon. 4: Draw a card from target opponent's deck.
ll099RDaylight Robbery?RogueAbility2Target friendly ally with X cost is exhausted: While target opponent's deck is not empty, draw and reveal cards from it until their total cost is X or greater.
ll100RJace Mortlock?RogueAllyUnique637Jace has +1 attack for each ally and/or item you control but do not own.
3: Target enemy item with cost equal or less than Jace's attack is placed into your hand.


Card NoRarityNameClassTypeSubtypeAtk TypeUniqueCostAtkHPAbility
ll101UDark Infiltrator?WulvenAbilityAttachment2Attach to your hero. While your hero has ambush, allies cost you 1 less resource to summon and friendly allies have ambush.
ll102CWulven Prophet?WulvenAllyWulvenClaw214When Wulven Prophet is summoned, you may seek an attachment and place it on top of your deck.
ll103CWulven Tinker?WulvenAllyWulvenClaw333When Wulven Tinker is summoned, weapons you control gain +2 durability. When Wulven Tinker is killed, draw a card.
ll104CWulven Slaver?WulvenAllyWulvenClaw325Non-Wulven allies with cost 5 or greater cost you 1 less resource to summon.
1: Target non-Wulven ally takes 1 damage and has +1 attack until the end of your turn.
ll105CGut-wrenching Roar?WulvenAbility4Target friendly Wulven ally is exhausted: up to 2 target opposing allies with cost 4 or less are shuffled into their owner's decks.
ll106CTorn Apart?WulvenAbility4If you control at least two Wulven allies, target opposing ally is killed and all friendly Wulven allies gain +1 health.
ll107UCrusher of the Weak?WulvenAllyWulvenClaw664When Crusher of the Weak is summoned, target opposing ally with cost 3 or less is exiled. Combat damage to Crusher of the Weak from allies with cost 3 or less is reduced to 1.
ll108UInsolent Pup?WulvenAllyWulvenClaw223Haste. While Insolent Pup has dealt combat damage on the turn it was summoned, it is shuffled into its owner's deck at the end of that turn. Insolent Pup can't be targeted by your summoned abilities.
ll109REye of the Dark Forest?WulvenItemArtifact31Friendly Wulven allies have ambush on the turn they are summoned.
1D: Target opposing ally is attacked by each Wulven ally that was summoned this turn if able.
ll110RDen Mother?WulvenAllyWulvenClawUnique563Wulven allies adjacent to Den Mother have defender. Den Mother can't be attacked while adjacent to another Wulven ally.


Card NoRarityNameClassTypeSubtypeAtk TypeUniqueCostAtkHPAbility
ll111CStardust Descender?ElementalAllyClaw103Steadfast. Stardust Descender has +1 attack for each Aldmor ally you control.
ll112CStardust Transfuser?ElementalAllyClaw213Steadfast. When Stardust Transfuser is summoned, target other ally gains +1 base attack and +1 health.
ll113CReplicate?ElementalAbility3Seek an ally with the same name as an ally you control: that ally enters play under your control.
ll114CPermeate?ElementalAbilityAttachment2Attach to target friendly ally. That ally has +2 attack. When this attachment is destroyed, it is returned to play as an ally with 2 claw base attack, 3 health and no abilities.
ll115UAccelerate?ElementalAbility3All players reveal the top 2 cards of their deck and place them on their resource pile.
ll116CStardust Actualizer?ElementalAllyClaw324Steadfast. When Stardust Actualizer is summoned, reveal the top card of your deck: if that card is an ally, it enters play with 1 base attack and 1 health.
ll117URegression Chamber?ElementalItemArtifact421SE: Target friendly Elemental ally loses all abilities and is exiled: that ally is returned to play readied with Aldmor alignment and Regression Chamber loses 1 durability.
ll118UAccumulate?ElementalAbility2Target friendly ally with X base attack and Y health is reduced to 1 base attack and 1 health: Target other friendly ally gains +X base attack and +Y health.
ll119RPower Surge?ElementalAbilityAttachment3Attach to target friendly ally until the end of the turn. That ally has +2 attack and +5 health. When Power Surge is summoned, that ally takes 1 damage and attacks target opposing ally if able
ll120RAxiom the Soulless?ElementalAllyClawUnique5361: Target ally in a graveyard enters play under your control with 1 base attack and its health reduced to 1. That ally is exiled when killed.

Human Ability

Card NoRarityNameFactionTypeSubtypeUniqueCostDURAbility
ll121RSpirit of Devotion?HumanAbilityAttachment1Attach to target friendly ally. That ally has +1 health. When that ally is killed, draw 1 card (or 2 cards if it is a Twilight or Templar ally).
ll122CScriptures of the Departed?HumanItemArtifact22When a friendly Twilight ally is killed, Scriptures of the Departed gains +1 durability.
2D: Draw a card.
ll123CMoment of Acquiescence?HumanAbilitySupport1Duration 3. When this card is destroyed, draw a card.
0SE: Target ability is discarded from your hand: target opposing ally is disabled for 1 turn (and that ally takes 2 arcane damage if you control a Templar ally).
ll124RDazzling Bravery?HumanAbilityAttachment1Attach to target friendly Human ally. When that ally enters combat with an opposing ally, all opposing players discard a card from their deck (or 2 cards if attached to an ally with cost 5 or greater).
ll125CInspiring Fellowship?HumanAbilityAttachment2Attach to target friendly ally until the end of your turn. That ally has +X attack, where X is the number of allies you control. When Inspiring Fellowship is summoned, your hero heals 1 damage.
ll126UUnyielding Light?HumanAbility3Target opposing hero loses 1 shadow energy for each Human ally you control. Draw a card for each location you control.
ll127CScrapyard Recycler?HumanItemArtifact2At the end of each of your turns, the bottom artifact in your graveyard is shuffled into your deck, or placed in your hand if your hand is empty.
0SE: If there is an item in your graveyard, Scrapyard Recycler awakens.
ll128CReinforcer?HumanItemArtifact210SE: Target ally with 4 or less health gains +1 health. Reinforcer gains +1 durability and if it has 4 or greater durability, it awakens.
ll129CMigration?HumanAbility2Up to 3 friendly allies are shuffled into their owner's deck and you draw 1+X cards, where X is the number of allies shuffled this way. The active location is exiled.
ll130CArm and Reinforce?HumanAbility3Target friendly ally gains +2 base attack and target other friendly ally gains +2 health.

Shadow Ability

Card NoRarityNameFactionTypeSubtypeUniqueCostDURAbility
ll131RRelentless Savagery?ShadowAbilityAttachment2Attach to target friendly ally. That ally has +1 attack. While that ally has claw attack, it has an additional +1 attack and Relentless Savagery is returned to its owner's hand when that ally is killed.
ll132CTar-written Scroll?ShadowItemArtifact231D: Target ally in a graveyard is exiled: if the exiled ally has fire attack, target opposing ally takes 2 fire damage.
ll133CThriss Crucible?ShadowItemArtifact3When Thriss Crucible is targeted and destroyed, it is returned to play as a readied Ravager ally with 2 base attack and 5 health and then takes 1 damage.
ll134RGruesome Brutality?ShadowAbilityAttachment1Attach to target friendly Shadow ally. When that ally enters combat with an opposing ally, all opposing heroes take 1 damage (or 2 damage if attached to an ally with cost 5 or greater).
ll135CBurning Hatred?ShadowAbilityAttachment2Attach to target ally. That ally has +2 attack. When Burning Hatred is summoned, that ally takes 1 fire damage.
ll136USurging Darkness?ShadowAbility3Target friendly hero gains +1 shadow energy for each Shadow ally you control. Draw a card for each location you control.
ll137CCrypt Golem?ShadowItemArtifact21Once per your turn, when an ally or item is removed from a graveyard, all opposing heroes and allies take 1 damage, Crypt Golem gains +1 durability and if it has 4 or greater durability, it awakens.
ll138CStriker?ShadowItemArtifact211SE: Target ally gains +1 base attack. Striker gains +1 durability and if it has 3 or greater durability, it awakens.
ll139CInvasion?ShadowAbility3Duration 1. Friendly allies have +1 attack. When a friendly ally kills an opposing ally, take control of the active location and draw a card up to twice per turn.
ll140CHinder and Debilitate?ShadowAbility3Target opposing ally has its base attack reduced by 2 and target other opposing ally has its health reduced by 2.

Neutral Ability

Card NoRarityNameFactionTypeSubtypeUniqueCostDURAbility
ll141RGroundshift?NeutralAbilitySupport2Duration 1. When Groundshift is summoned, the active location is exiled. Heroes and allies lose all passive abilities.
ll142CSpontaneous Growth?NeutralAbilityAttachment2Attach to target friendly Homunculus ally. That ally has +1 attack, +1 health and steadfast. When Spontaneous Growth is summoned, draw a card.
ll143USinkhole?NeutralAbility2Target opposing ally with cost 2 or less is exiled, or target opposing ally with cost 3 or greater takes 2 damage. If you control no locations, the active location is placed on the bottom of its owner's deck.
ll144URest for the Weary?NeutralAbility3If there is a location in play, target ally is moved to the top of its owner's deck. If there are no locations in play, draw 2 cards.
ll145RClockwork Soldier?NeutralItemArtifact4While Clockwork Soldier is an ally, it is returned to play as an artifact when killed.
1SE: If Clockwork Soldier is an artifact, it becomes an Aldmor ally with 3 base attack and 3 health.
ll146CDisruptor Field?NeutralItemArtifact4Friendly Aldmor allies have ambush.
1SE: Target opposing ally has a maximum attack of 0 until the start of your next turn.
ll147CRejuvenation Pod?NeutralItemArtifact4Friendly Aldmor allies have +1 health.
0SE: Target Aldmor ally in your graveyard is shuffled into your deck.
ll148RShadow Cannon?NeutralItemArtifact4When Shadow Cannon is summoned while you control an Aldmor ally, your hero gains +2 shadow energy.
4SE: Target hero or ally takes 4 damage.
ll149EAldmor Conflux?NeutralItemArtifact62SE: Friendly Aldmor allies have +X attack until the end of the turn, where X is the number of artifacts you control.
ll150UStun Turret?NeutralItemArtifact320SE: Target opposing ally loses all passive abilities until the end of the turn and takes 1 electrical damage. Stun Turret loses 1 durability at the end of the turn.
ll151CTransporting Golem?NeutralItemArtifact310SE: Draw a card. Transporting Golem awakens at the start of your next turn.
ll152CAugmenting Golem?NeutralItemArtifact3Friendly allies with cost 4 or less have +1 health.
1SE: Augmenting Golem awakens and gains “Friendly allies with cost 4 or less have +1 attack.”
ll153UMending Golem?NeutralItemArtifact310SE: Target ally or item in your hand is discarded: target hero or ally heals 2 damage. Mending Golem gains +1 durability and if it has 3 or greater durability, it awakens and gains shroud.
ll154CDarklight Observer?NeutralItemArtifact3When an opposing player seeks, they discard a card from their hand at random.
0SE: Darklight Observer awakens and gains "When a player seeks, Darklight Observer gains +1 base attack and +1 health."
ll155CScrap Cannoneer?NeutralItemArtifact211SE: Target item in a graveyard is exiled: target ally takes 2 damage. Scrap Cannoneer gains +1 durability and if it has 4 or greater durability, it awakens and your hero gains +2 shadow energy.
ll156CContemplate?NeutralAbility2Draw 3 cards and shuffle 2 of them into your deck. Opposing heroes with shadow energy greater than yours lose 1 shadow energy.
ll157RAnnihilate?NeutralAbility6Target opposing ally is exiled.
ll158CRelinquish?NeutralAbility3Target ally has all enemy attachments exiled: target hero or ally takes 2+X damage, where X is the number of attachments exiled this way.
ll159CUrge to Ascend?NeutralAbilityAttachment4Attach to target friendly Aldmor ally. That ally has +X attack, to a maximum of +4 attack, where X is the greatest shadow energy of all heroes. When that ally kills an opposing ally, your hero gains +1 shadow energy.
ll160UUnstable Gateway?NeutralItemArtifact32If Unstable Gateway has 4 or greater durability at the end of your turn, it is destroyed.
1SE: Seek an ally with cost X or less, where X is Unstable Gateway's durability. Unstable Gateway gains +1 durability.


Card NoRarityNameClassTypeSubtypeCostDURDEFAbility
ll161UDistortion Harness?AllItemArmor3411SE: Seek a location. The active location is shuffled into its owner's deck and Distortion Harness loses 1 durability.
ll162RAmethyst Reverie?AllItemArmor5422SE: Renew 3 used resources.
ll163REngineer's Harness?MageItemArmor3411D: Until the end of your turn, when an item becomes an ally under your control, that ally gains +1 base attack and +2 health.
ll164RSpiked Shield?Warrior, WulvenItemArmor431When Spiked Shield is summoned while you don't control a weapon, it becomes a weapon with 1 sword attack and 3 durability. Your weapons have +1 attack while attacking.
ll165RKite of Divine Might?PriestItemArmor5412SE: Until the start of your next turn, when a friendly ally with base attack 1 or less enters combat with an opposing hero or ally, it deals 2 arcane damage to them.
ll166UVictor's Quiver?HunterItemArmor331When Victor's Quiver is destroyed, the top Hunter ability in your graveyard is returned to your hand.
1D: Target friendly ally with X bow attack that is not exhausted, disabled or frozen is exhausted: Target opposing ally takes 2+X damage.
ll167RWave Modulator?ElementalItemArmor3411: Target ally in your hand is summoned at no cost with 1 base attack and its health reduced to 1. Wave Modulator loses 1 durability.
ll168UPackmaster's Pauldron?WulvenItemArmor541When Packmaster's Pauldron loses durability or is targeted and destroyed, all friendly Wulven allies gain +1 base attack.
1D: Target friendly Wulven ally has +1 attack until the end of your turn.
ll169UPoison-laced Gloves?RogueItemArmor331Poison damage to opposing heroes and allies is increased by 1.
1D: Target opposing ally is poisoned and takes X damage, where X is the number of cards you control but do not own.
ll170UArthyle's Cloak?Warrior, Priest, ElementalItemArmor542At the start of each of your turns all allies lose shroud.
2SE: Up to two different target friendly allies gain shroud.


Card NoRarityNameClassTypeSubtypeAtk TypeCostATKDURAbility
ll171UPathfinder's Machete?AllItemWeapon313When Pathfinder's Machete is summoned while you control a location, it gains +1 base attack and +1 durability. While you control a location, opposing heroes and allies lose stealth and hidden.
ll172RShard of Ithrund?Warrior, Mage, PriestItemWeapon423While you control at least 2 Aldmor allies, your hero gains +1 shadow energy at the end of each of your turns.
1SE: Shard of Ithrund gains +1 durability.
ll173EVoidhammer?AllItemWeapon513When your hero attacks, the active location is exiled. When a location is exiled, Voidhammer gains +1 base attack and +1 durability.
ll174RHeavy Ballista?Rogue, WulvenItemWeapon312Once per turn, when a friendly ally with cost 4 or greater is summoned, Heavy Ballista and that ally gain +1 base attack.
ll175RGemstone Javelin?Warrior, ElementItemWeapon4140SE: Target opposing ally takes X damage, where X is Gemstone Javelin's attack + durability. Gemstone Javelin is destroyed, or exiled if its base attack is 2 or greater.
ll176RLife-infusing Scepter?Priest, ElementItemWeapon524When Life-infusing Scepter is destroyed while it is a weapon, it is returned to play as an attachment and is attached to the friendly ally with the lowest health. That ally has +2 attack and +4 health.
ll177URage of Elements?Mage, ElementalItemWeapon515On your turn, for each type of attack your allies have from arcane, electrical, fire and ice, opposing heroes and allies that enter combat with your hero take 1 ability damage of that type.
ll178UTraining Sword?WarriorItemWeapon615When Training Sword is summoned, seek a Warrior support ability: that ability enters play under your control. While you control a Warrior support ability, Training Sword has +1 attack.
ll179RThief's Stiletto?RogueItemWeapon414Ambush. When you summon a card that you are not the owner of, Thief's Stiletto gains +1 durability.
1D: Thief's Stiletto gains +1 base attack.
ll180URuby Embellished Dagger?Hunter, PriestItemWeapon313While you have 8 or more resources, Ruby Embelished Dagger has +1 attack and +1 durability. When Ruby Embelished Dagger is destroyed, it is placed on top of your resources.


Card NoRarityNameFactionTypeSubtypeTurnAbility
ll181CLorhon Twilight Encampment?HumanLocationBalor30SE: Target friendly Twilight ally is killed: Seek a Twilight ally and your hero loses 1 shadow energy.

0SE: If an opposing Twilight ally was killed this turn, all friendly allies gain +1 health.
ll182CSosilo Brothers' Landing?HumanLocationBalor5When an ability or location is discarded from your hand, draw a card. 0SE: Target ability or location in your hand is discarded.

0SE: Target card in your hand is discarded: Draw a card.
ll183CAnmor Garina Road?HumanLocationBalor5Allies with cost 4 or greater cost you 1 less resource to summon. 2SE: If you control no allies, seek an ally with cost 5 or greater.

Allies with cost 4 or greater cost you 1 less resource to summon. 0SE: If there are no opposing allies, take control of this location.
ll184CIrum Lightning Quarry?HumanLocationBalor4When electrical damage is dealt to an ally on your turn, renew 3 resources (max twice per turn).

2SE: All allies take 2 damage. Shuffle this location into its owner's deck.
ll185UThe Wilds Darklight Citadel?NeutralLocationBalor5Friendly allies that have activated abilities with resource cost 1 or greater have haste and can't attack on the turn they are summoned.

2SE: All opposing allies can't activate their abilities until the start of your next turn.
ll186UGaderi Braxno Citadel?NeutralLocationBalor4Your hero and allies you control have defender. Opposing players can't summon locations.

1SE: This location is exiled at the end of your turn.
ll187UThe Wilds Trading Port?NeutralLocationBalor40SE: If an artifact with cost 4 or greater entered or left play this turn, renew 2 used resources and draw a card.

4SE: Target artifact is destroyed. Take control of this location.
ll188URacksul Warped Desert?NeutralLocationBalor10SE: The next card owned by an opposing player to be exiled this turn is placed in your hand.

1SE: Draw a card from each opposing player's deck. Take control of this location.
ll189UArthyle's Pass Dead Man's Breach?NeutralLocationBalor3On the turn they are summoned, friendly allies with cost 2 or less have meek, haste and ambush and can't activate abilities.

When an opposing ally with cost 2 or less is killed, that ally is exiled and its controller takes 1 damage.
ll190UYahari Valley of Doom?NeutralLocationBalor44SE: All allies with cost 3 or less are exiled.

2SE: Draw 2 cards and this location is exiled.
ll191CLyth Kristan's Ridge?NeutralLocationBalor23SE: Up to X target heroes or allies take 3 ice damage, where X is the number of friendly ice attack allies.

3SE: Target opposing hero or ally takes 3 ice damage. Take control of this location.
ll192CRavenscrest Valley of Secrets?NeutralLocationBalor1When you summon a support ability, draw a card and renew 1 used resource.

2SE: Seek an ability.
ll193CShold Tempest Gorge?NeutralLocationBalor5When an item or attachment is destroyed, it is exiled.
2SE: Target friendly ally is returned to your hand.

Artifacts you control have Sustain: 1cc.
0SE: Target artifact you control is destroyed.
ll194COldros Infested Swampland?NeutralLocationBalor41SE: Until the end of the turn, Wild allies cost you 1 less resource to summon.

When you end your turn while you control no allies, your hero takes 2 poison damage and you draw a card.
ll195CTisay Volcanic Springs?NeutralLocationBalor21SE: Target ally has all negative effects removed and it set ablaze.

2SE: Target ally has all negative effects removed, takes 1 fire damage and is set ablaze.
ll196CKiruth Thaddeus' Vault?ShadowLocationScheuth40SE: If an Undead ally has been removed from your graveyard this turn, renew 3 resources.

2SE: Target ally in a graveyard containing at least 3 cards is placed in your hand.
ll197CAsyn Mount Kazarr?ShadowLocationThriss40SE: Target friendly damaged Ravager ally attacks the opposing ally with the lowest health if able.

2SE: Target friendly ally attacks the opposing ally with the highest health if able.
ll198CLakmire Training Outpost?ShadowLocationTinnal30SE: If every ally you control has Wulven alignment, the next attachment you summon costs 3 less resources.

1SE: Target opposing Wulven ally has -2 attack and loses all passive abilities until the start of your next turn.
ll199CRankett Proving Grounds?ShadowLocationOgmaga31SE: If an ally gained base attack or health this turn, draw a card and all Homunculus allies gain +1 base attack and +1 health.

2SE: Draw a card and all Homunculus allies are reduced by 1 health. Take control of this location.
ll200UThe Wilds Hall of Doors?NeutralLocationBalor61SE: Target friendly ally you own with cost X is shuffled into its owner's deck: seek an ally with cost 1+X: that ally is exiled and it enters play under your control at the end of your turn.

2SE: Until the end of your turn, allies and weapons you control have +1 attack and when an opposing ally is killed, take control of this location.


Card NoRarityNameFactionTypeSubtypeAtk TypeUniqueCostATKHPAbility
ll201LWarner, Throneless King?HumanAllyUnique627When Warner is summoned, for each different ability friendly allies have from ambush, defender, haste, protector, shroud and steadfast, Warner gains +1 base attack and that ability.
ll202LArthyle, Conqueror of Balor?ShadowAllyUnique724Shroud (when targeted by an ability, that ability has no effect and shroud is lost). Once per turn, when you summon an ally, that ally gains +2 base attack and +2 health.

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Last-modified: Mon, 08 May 2023 22:41:55 HAST (628d)