|コール オブ ザ クリスタル|ダーク プロフェシス|シャッタード フェイツ|ロスト ランズ|
|Call of the Crystal|Dark Prophecies|Shattered Fates|Lost Lands|
Card No | Rarity | Name | Class | Type | Subtype | HP | Ability |  | H | Tala Pureheart | Human | Warrior | Hero | 30 | 3SE: Target friendly ally gains protector, +1 base attack and +1 health. |  | H | Aramia | Human | Mage | Hero | 26 | 4SE: Target item in your deck with cost 3 or less is put into play, as if summoned at no cost. Shuffle your deck. |  | H | Ythan Redthorn | Human | Hunter | Hero | 28 | 3SE: Target friendly hero or ally can attack 2 times this turn, regardless of stealth or protector, and has ambush until the end of the turn. |  | H | Threbin the Righteous | Human | Priest | Hero | 26 | 3SE: Until the start of your next turn, opposing heroes and allies that enter combat with Threbin take 2 arcane damage. |  | H | Garth Ravensoul | Human | Rogue | Hero | 27 | 3SE: Target opposing ally takes 1 damage, and all damage to that ally is doubled until the start of your next turn. |  | H | Vess Swifthands | Shadow | Warrior | Hero | 30 | 3SE: The next 3 attachments you summon this turn each cost you 3 less resources. |  | H | Raikka Spellseeker | Shadow | Mage | Hero | 26 | 3SE: Until the start of your next turn, all damage to friendly allies is reduced by 1 and all damage from friendly allies to opposing heroes and allies is increased by 1. |  | H | Skervox | Shadow | Hunter | Hero | 28 | 4SE: All opposing allies are poisoned and are disabled for 1 turn, and friendly Hunter allies have +1 attack until the start of your next turn. |  | H | Bloodfang | Shadow | Wulven | Hero | 28 | 5SE: Target ally in your hand is summoned at no cost and, if that ally is a Wulven ally, it gains +1 base attack and +1 health. |  | H | Praxix | Shadow | Elemental | Hero | 28 | 4SE: All players discard 3 cards from their decks. Target opposing hero or ally takes X damage, where X was the number of allies discarded. |  | L | Loest, Savior of Layar | Human | Mage | Hero | 26 | 5SE: Target ally, item or ability is exiled (removed from the game). |  | L | Lothem, King of Layar? | Shadow | Warrior | Hero | 30 | 5SE: Until the start of your next turn, weapons you control have +3 attack and allies you control have +2 attack. |
Human Ally
Card No | Rarity | Name | Class | Type | Subtype | Atk Type | Cost | ATK | HP | Ability |  | C | Ascetic of Aldmor | Human | Ally | Aldmor | | 1 | 0 | 2 | 0SE: Target opposing ally loses 1 base attack if its controller has resources greater than or equal to yours. |  | C | Aetherborn Wisp | Human | Ally | Homunculus | | 3 | 2 | 4 | When a player discards a card from their hand, Aetherborn Wisp gains +1 base attack and +1 health. |  | C | Twilight Opportunist | Human | Ally | Twilight | | 2 | 0 | 4 | 0: Twilight Opportunist gains +3 base attack and is killed at the end of your turn. |  | C | Twilight Shaman | Human | Ally | Twilight | | 2 | 1 | 3 | Other friendly Twilight allies have +2 health. |  | C | Zailen Crusader | Human | Ally | Templar | | 3 | 2 | 4 | The first attachment you summon each turn that can't attach to a hero costs 2 less resources to summon. |  | C | Guardian of Unaxio | Human | Ally | Templar | Arcane | 3 | 2 | 5 | While every ally you control is a Templar ally, all damage to your hero is reduced by 1. |  | C | Midnight Sentinel | Human | Ally | | | 3 | 1 | 5 | When Midnight Sentinel is summoned, target other friendly ally gains ambush (or +1 base attack if it already had ambush) and +2 health. |  | C | Sorcerer of Endia | Human | Ally | | | 4 | 3 | 5 | 0: If a player controls at least 3 items and/or abilities, target and exile one of them: Sorcerer of Endia is returned to your hand at the end of the turn. |  | C | Knight of Unaxio | Human | Ally | Templar | | 4 | 3 | 5 | Steadfast. 0: Target ability in your hand is discarded: Knight of Unaxio gains +2 base attack and +1 health. |  | C | Growing Bog-dweller | Human | Ally | Homunculus | Claw | 5 | 3 | 6 | 0: Target other friendly ally is killed and Growing Bog-dweller gains +2 base attack and +2 health. |  | U | Eleanor, Princess of Ellos | Human | Ally | | | 2 | 2 | 1 | While you control at least 2 allies, Eleanor can't be attacked and has +1 attack. |  | U | Zealous Mystic | Human | Ally | Templar | Arcane | 2 | 1 | 3 | When Zealous Mystic is summoned, you may move target attachment on another friendly ally to Zealous Mystic if he is an eligible target. While Zealous Mystic has an attachment, he has haste. |  | U | Demetreyo, Twilight Extremist | Human | Ally | Twilight | | 3 | 4 | 2 | While there is another friendly Twilight ally in play, Demetreyo has haste. Demetreyo is killed at the end of the turn he was summoned. |  | U | Twilight Ritualist | Human | Ally | Twilight | | 3 | 2 | 5 | 2: If you control another Twilight ally, target opposing ally, item or ability with cost 3 or less is exiled, and Twilight Ritualist is killed at the end of your turn. |  | U | Twilight Warden | Human | Ally | Twilight | | 3 | 3 | 3 | Steadfast. While there are at least 3 Twilight allies in your graveyard, Twilight Warden has +2 attack and +2 health. |  | U | Twilight Champion | Human | Ally | Twilight | | 4 | 3 | 5 | When a friendly Twilight ally is killed, Twilight Champion gains +1 base attack and +1 health. |  | U | Templar Champion | Human | Ally | Templar | | 4 | 2 | 6 | When another friendly Templar ally is summoned, all opposing allies take 1 arcane damage. |  | U | Viska, The Scarlet Blade | Human | Ally | | | 6 | 3 | 6 | Haste. All combat damage dealt to Viska from heroes is reduced to 1. |  | R | Avenger of the Fallen | Human | Ally | Templar | Arcane | 2 | 0 | 4 | Avenger of the Fallen has +1 attack on your turn. While there are at least 3 Templar allies in your graveyard, Avenger of the Fallen has +3 attack. |  | R | Tenacious Buccaneer | Human | Ally | | | 3 | 3 | 3 | When Tenacious Buccaneer is discarded from anywhere, she enters play from her owner's graveyard. |  | R | Irina, Guardian of the Swan | Human | Ally | | | 4 | 2 | 5 | Irina may attack 2 times on each of your turns. |  | R | Fortified Wisp | Human | Ally | Homunculus | Electric | 4 | 1 | 4 | All damage to Fortified Wisp is reduced by 2. When Fortified Wisp kills an opposing ally in combat, it gains +1 base attack. |  | R | Thunderstrike Construct | Human | Ally | Homunculus | Electric | 5 | 3 | 5 | When Thunderstrike Construct is summoned, you may reduce target opposing ally by 2 health;if you do, target other Homunculus ally has +2 attack until the end of the turn. |  | E | Eriss Fateweaver | Human | Ally | | | 6 | 5 | 6 | 1SE: Target ability is destroyed. |  | E | Nathanias, People's Champion | Human | Ally | | | 7 | 5 | 8 | When Nathanias is summoned, draw a card. If that card is an ally, its first summoning this turn is at no cost. |
Shadow Ally
Card No | Rarity | Name | Class | Type | Subtype | Atk Type | Cost | ATK | HP | Ability |  | C | Plightbred Runt | Shadow | Ally | Homunculus | Ice | 1 | 1 | 1 | When Plightbred Runt is discarded from anywhere, all friendly allies gain +1 health and all friendly Homunculus allies gain +1 base attack. |  | C | Rapacious Vermin | Shadow | Ally | Homunculus | Claw | 2 | 1 | 5 | Sustain: 1HP. When Rapacious Vermin is summoned while an opposing player controls at least 3 items and/or abilities, target item controlled by that player is destroyed and Rapacious Vermin gains +1 base attack and +1 health. |  | C | Frostmare | Shadow | Ally | Undead | Ice | 2 | 1 | 2 | Haste. While an opposing player controls more allies than you, Frostmare costs 1 less resource to summon. |  | C | Harbinger of the Lost | Shadow | Ally | Undead | | 2 | 1 | 3 | When Harbinger of the Lost enters play, each player discards a card from their deck. If at least one ally was discarded this way, Harbinger of the Lost gains +1 base attack and +1 health. |  | C | Spitfire Hound | Shadow | Ally | Ravager | Fire | 2 | 1 | 3 | When Spitfire Hound is summoned, you may destroy target item you control: if you do, target opposing ally takes 3 fire damage. |  | C | Wulven Scout | Shadow | Ally | Wulven | Claw | 3 | 3 | 4 | You can view the hands of opposing players on your turn. |  | C | Cleric of the Asyn | Shadow | Ally | Ravager | | 3 | 3 | 4 | When an item or ability is targeted and destroyed, Cleric of the Asyn gains +1 base attack and +1 health. |  | C | Cryptspawn Hound? | Shadow | Ally | Undead | Ice | 3 | 3 | 4 | When Cryptspawn Hound is killed by an ability while there are at least 2 Undead allies in your graveyard, Cryptspawn Hound is returned to its owner's hand. |  | C | Gravemonger | Shadow | Ally | Homunculus | Ice | 4 | 4 | 4 | When Gravemonger is summoned while there are at least 6 cards in your graveyard, you may exile target card in your graveyard and Gravemonger gains +2 base attack and +2 health. |  | C | Wulven Tactician? | Shadow | Ally | Wulven | Claw | 4 | 4 | 4 | While every ally you control is a Wulven ally, opposing abilities and items cost 1 additional resource to summon. |  | U | Rampant Krygon | Shadow | Ally | | Claw | 3 | 2 | 2 | Haste. 1: Target ally gains +1 base attack and is reduced by 1 health. |  | U | Ravager Zealot | Shadow | Ally | Ravager | | 3 | 3 | 3 | When Ravager Zealot is summoned, you may destroy target item you control; if you do, Ravager Zealot gains haste. |  | U | Grimghast | Shadow | Ally | | Claw | 3 | 2 | 4 | Opposing allies have -1 attack. |  | U | Voracious Arachnid | Shadow | Ally | Homunculus | Ice | 3 | 1 | 5 | When an ally is killed, Voracious Arachnid gains +1 base attack. 1SE: Target opposing ally with cost less than Voracious Arachnid's current attack is killed. |  | U | Corpse Hurler? | Shadow | Ally | Undead | | 4 | 2 | 6 | 0: Target Undead ally in your hand is discarded: Target opposing hero or ally takes 3 damage. |  | U | Murderous Hulk | Shadow | Ally | Ravager | | 4 | 2 | 6 | 2: The opposing ally with the lowest health takes damage equal to Murderous Hulk's attack. |  | U | Grimjaw Hydra | Shadow | Ally | | Claw | 5 | 3 | 6 | When damage is dealt to Grimjaw Hydra, it gains +2 base attack. When Grimjaw Hydra deals damage to an ally, that ally loses all passive abilities until the start of your next turn. |  | U | Flameborn Defiler? | Shadow | Ally | | Fire | 5 | 4 | 5 | Flameborn Defiler has immunity to fire damage. Opposing allies that take fire damage are set ablaze. |  | R | Brimstone Devourer | Shadow | Ally | Homunculus | Fire | 3 | 2 | 4 | When Brimstone Devourer is discarded from anywhere, the opposing hero or ally with the lowest health takes 3 fire damage. |  | R | Slingblade Demon | Shadow | Ally | | | 3 | 3 | 3 | When Slingblade Demon is summoned, you may return target other friendly ally to its owner's hand to renew 2 resources. |  | R | Falseblood Cultist | Shadow | Ally | | | 4 | 2 | 4 | When Falseblood Cultist is summoned, you may discard target card in your hand to draw 2 cards. |  | R | Thriss Demolitionist? | Shadow | Ally | Ravager | | 5 | 3 | 6 | 3: Target item or ability is destroyed if there is another friendly Ravager in play. |  | R | Der'kan, the Bone King? | Shadow | Ally | Undead | Ice | 4 | 3 | 4 | When Der'kan is summoned while there are at least 3 Undead allies in your graveyard, target hero or ally takes 2 ice damage. When Der'kan is killed while he is the only ally you control, he is returned to your hand. |  | E | Infernus, Tyrant of the Damned? | Shadow | Ally | | Fire | 6 | 6 | 6 | Steadfast. Fire damage to opposing allies is increased by 1. |  | E | Dakrath | Shadow | Ally | Undead | | 7 | 5 | 5 | Dakrath can't be frozen or disabled. When Dakrath is dealt damage while your deck is not empty, that damage is reduced by 2 and 1 card is discarded from your deck. |
Card No | Rarity | Name | Class | Type | Subtype | Atk Type | Cost | ATK | HP | Ability |  | C | Intimidate? | Warrior | Ability | | | 0 | | | Exhaust your hero: attach to target opposing ally until the end of its controller's next turn. That ally can't attack or activate abilities. |  | C | Rock of Ages? | Warrior | Item | Artifact | | 2 | | | Sustain: 1HP. When Rock of Ages is destroyed, the opposing ally with the lowest health takes 2 damage. 1: Target friendly Ravager ally has +2 attack until the start of your next turn. |  | C | Iron Will? | Warrior | Ability | Attachment | | 2 | | | Attach to target friendly Warrior or Ravager ally. That ally has +1 attack and +1 health, and combat damage to that ally is reduced by 1. |  | C | Yari Shieldbearer? | Warrior | Ally | Yari | | 3 | 2 | 5 | Friendly Yari allies have steadfast. |  | C | Mettle of the Yari? | Warrior | Ability | Attachment | | 4 | | | Attach to your hero. When you summon a Warrior card, your hero and Yari allies you control heal 1 damage. |  | C | Yari Marksman | Warrior | Ally | Yari | | 4 | 4 | 2 | When Yari Marksman is summoned while an opposing player controls at least 3 allies, target ally controlled by that player is killed. |  | U | Yari Bladedancer? | Warrior | Ally | Yari | | 2 | 2 | 3 | 0: Exhaust Yari Bladedancer: target other friendly ally has +X attack until the end of your turn, where X is Yari Bladedancer's attack. |  | U | Desperate Tactics? | Warrior | Ability | | | 2 | | | Target opposing hero or ally takes 2 + X damage, where X is the attack of target weapon you control. That weapon is then destroyed. |  | U | Spiked Bolas Strike? | Warrior | Ability | Attachment | | 4 | | | Attach to target opposing ally. That ally has -3 attack and -3 health, and that ally's controller takes 2 damage when Spiked Bolas Strike leaves play. |  | R | Xander, Yari Captain? | Warrior | Ally | Yari | | 5 | 3 | 5 | Friendly Yari allies have +1 attack and +1 health. |
Card No | Rarity | Name | Class | Type | Subtype | Atk Type | Cost | ATK | HP | Ability |  | C | Abomination Factory? | Mage | Item | Artifact | | 2 | | 3 | 1D: Target ally in your hand is discarded. Target Homunculus ally gains +1 base attack and +1 health. |  | C | Stoneskin? | Mage | Ability | Attachment | | 2 | | | Attach to target friendly ally. All damage to that ally is reduced by 1. When that ally is targeted by an ability, that ability has no effect and Stoneskin is destroyed. |  | C | Fatebreak Familiar? | Mage | Ally | Homunculus | Claw | 2 | 2 | 3 | When an opposing player summons an ability with cost 2 or less, that ability has no effect and Fatebreak Familiar is killed. |  | C | Vial of Conjuring? | Mage | Item | Artifact | | 4 | | | 1SE: Draw 2 cards and remove 1 of your resources from play. |  | C | Incendiary Curse? | Mage | Ability | Attachment | | 3 | | | Attach to target enemy artifact. The controller of that artifact takes 1 fire damage at the start of each of their turns. If Incendiary Curse or the artifact it is attached to leaves play, the controller of that artifact takes 3 fire damage. |  | C | Thunderstone Golem? | Mage | Ally | Homunculus | Electric | 4 | 3 | 5 | Once per turn, when a hero deals electrical damage, Thunderstone Golem gains +1 base attack and +1 health. Thunderstone Golem has immunity to electrical damage. |  | U | Urigon's Fang? | Mage | Item | Artifact | | 3 | | | Allies damaged by your hero in combat are frozen for 1 turn. 2SE: Target opposing ally takes 1 ice damage and is frozen for 1 turn. |  | U | Evolving Abomination? | Mage | Ally | Homunculus | | 3 | 2 | 3 | At the end of each of your turns, Evolving Abomination gains +1 base attack if no allies were summoned that turn and +1 health if no abilities were summoned that turn. |  | U | Transmogrification Curse | Mage | Ability | | | 4 | | | Your hero loses 1 shadow energy: target opposing ally loses all abilities and becomes an artifact without durability. |  | R | Phoenix Urigon | Mage | Ally | | | 4 | 2 | 4 | When Phoenix Urigon is killed while it is not ablaze, it returns to play set ablaze, with +1 base attack and +1 health, and it is readied at the end of the turn. When Phoenix Urigon is ablaze, it deals fire combat damage. |
Card No | Rarity | Name | Class | Type | Subtype | Atk Type | Cost | ATK | HP | Ability |  | C | Pack an Extra? | Hunter | Ability | | | 1 | | | Target weapon you control gains +1 durability. Draw a card. |  | C | Anmor's Horn | Hunter | Item | Artifact | | 2 | | | 0: 1 of your resources is removed from play and you draw a card. |  | C | Ricochet Trap? | Hunter | Item | Trap | | 3 | | | Play face down. The next time your hero is attacked by an opposing hero or ally, the attacker deals its combat damage to itself and is disabled for 1 turn, and the attack is canceled. |  | C | Raven's Gambit? | Hunter | Ability | Attachment | | 2 | | | Attach to target opposing ally. That ally has -1 health. When Raven's Gambit is destroyed, draw 2 cards. |  | C | Venomflame Archer? | Hunter | Ally | | Bow | 3 | 3 | 4 | 1SE: Target opposing ally is poisoned and set ablaze. |  | C | Deepwood Bobcat? | Hunter | Ally | | Claw | 4 | 3 | 5 | When you summon a trap or Hunter ability, Deepwood Bobcat has haste and ambush until the start of your next turn. |  | U | Decoy Trap | Hunter | Item | Trap | | 2 | | | Play face down. The next time a friendly ally takes damage, that damage is reduced to 0. |  | U | Anmor's Call | Hunter | Ability | Attachment | | 3 | | | Attach to your hero. When a friendly ally with cost 4 or less is killed, that ally is placed on top of its owner's resource pile. |  | U | Woodland Spotter? | Hunter | Ally | | | 4 | 0 | 6 | Your hero may attack 2 times on each of your turns. |  | R | Drangis, Lord of the Wood? | Hunter | Ally | | | 6 | 3 | 7 | Friendly Hunter allies have +1 attack, +1 health and ambush. |
Card No | Rarity | Name | Class | Type | Subtype | Atk Type | Cost | ATK | HP | Ability |  | C | For Unaxio!? | Priest | Ability | Attachment | | 1 | | | Attach to target friendly ally. That ally has +1 attack. At the end of your turn, return For Unaxio! to your hand. |  | C | Tome of Blessings? | Priest | Item | Artifact | | 2 | | | While a friendly ally has an attachment, combat damage to that ally is reduced by 2. |  | C | Glass Chalice of Knowing? | Priest | Item | Artifact | | 2 | | | 2SE: Put the bottom 3 cards of your deck into your hand and then shuffle 2 of them back into your deck. |  | C | Embers of the Just? | Priest | Ability | Attachment | | 2 | | | Attach to target opposing ally and that ally is set ablaze. If Embers of the Just is targeted and destroyed on your turn, it is returned to its owner's hand and target opposing hero or ally takes 4 arcane damage. |  | C | Devoted Knight | Priest | Ally | Templar | Arcane | 3 | 3 | 3 | When Devoted Knight is killed, it is placed on top of its owner's resource pile. |  | C | Righteous Strike? | Priest | Ability | | | 3 | | | Target opposing hero or ally takes 2 arcane damage and target hero or ally heals 2 damage. |  | U | Wizent's Shimmercloak? | Priest | Ability | Attachment | | 2 | | | Attach to target friendly ally. That ally has +1 attack and +1 health for each attachment it has. |  | U | Sindarok Apprentice? | Priest | Ally | Templar | | 3 | 2 | 4 | When an opposing ally enters combat with Sindarok Apprentice while she is the only ally you control, that ally takes 2 arcane damage. |  | U | Zail's Hymn? | Priest | Ability | Attachment | | 3 | | | Attach to target opposing ally. That ally can't attack. When Zail's Hymn is removed while that ally is in play, that ally is placed on the bottom of its owner's deck. |  | R | Justicar Alysia? | Priest | Ally | Templar | Arcane | 5 | 2 | 6 | Arcane damage to opposing heroes and allies is increased by 1. |
Card No | Rarity | Name | Class | Type | Subtype | Atk Type | Cost | ATK | HP | Ability |  | C | Skilled Ironmonger | Rogue | Ally | | | 2 | 2 | 3 | When Skilled Ironmonger is summoned, target weapon or armor gains +1 durability. |  | C | Backstab | Rogue | Ability | Attachment | | 2 | | | Attach to target friendly ally until the start of your next turn. That ally has +2 attack and ambush. When Backstab is summoned, draw a card. |  | C | Repaid in Full? | Rogue | Ability | | | 2 | | | If an ally was killed this turn, draw 2 cards. |  | C | Rogue Trader? | Rogue | Ally | | | 3 | 3 | 4 | When you summon an item, Rogue Trader gains +1 base attack. When an opponent summons an item, Rogue Trader has its base attack reduced by 1. |  | C | Wily Smuggler | Rogue | Ally | | | 3 | 2 | 5 | 0: If you summoned an item this turn, 2 used resources are renewed. |  | C | Garth's Concoction? | Rogue | Ability | | | 3 | | | Exhaust your hero: target opposing ally takes 3 poison damage and is poisoned. |  | U | Sword Thief? | Rogue | Ally | | | 3 | 3 | 3 | When Sword Thief is summoned, target opposing ally can't attack or defend until the end of its controller's next turn. |  | U | Coercion? | Rogue | Ability | Attachment | | 5 | | | Attach to target opposing ally until the end of your turn. While Coercion is attached, that ally is under your control. |  | U | Anarchic Looting | Rogue | Ability | | | 5 | | | All items are destroyed. |  | R | Oliver Fagin | Rogue | Ally | | | 7 | 0 | 6 | When Oliver Fagin is summoned, target opposing ally with cost 3 or less is placed in your hand. Oliver Fagin has +1 attack for each card in your hand, for a maximum of 4 cards. |
Card No | Rarity | Name | Class | Type | Subtype | Atk Type | Cost | ATK | HP | Ability |  | C | Midnight Howl? | Wulven | Ability | Attachment | | 1 | | | Attach to target friendly Wulven ally until the end of your turn. That ally gains haste and is returned to your hand at the end of your turn. |  | C | Bloodpack Shaman | Wulven | Ally | | Claw | 2 | 3 | 1 | When Bloodpack Shaman is summoned, target Wulven ally in your graveyard with cost 3 or less is returned to your hand. |  | C | Death from Above? | Wulven | Ability | | | 2 | | | Target friendly ally that is not disabled or frozen kills target opposing ally with cost 4 or less. |  | C | Wulven Rally | Wulven | Ability | | | 2 | | | Target Wulven ally in your graveyard is placed on top of your deck. Target Wulven ally in your graveyard is returned to your hand. |  | C | Dreadclaw Totem | Wulven | Item | Artifact | | 3 | | | When a friendly ally is killed, Dreadclaw Totem becomes a readied Wulven ally with 4 base attack, 3 health and ambush. |  | C | Dread Wolf? | Wulven | Ally | | Claw | 3 | 1 | 4 | Haste. When Dread Wolf deals combat damage, it gains +1 base attack. |  | U | Wulven Resilience? | Wulven | Ability | Attachment | | 4 | | | Attach to target friendly Wulven ally and remove all other attachments from it. That ally has +3 attack and ambush. |  | U | Soothjaw? | Wulven | Ally | | Claw | 4 | 3 | 5 | When a friendly Wulven ally is killed in combat, that ally is shuffled into its owner's deck and you draw a card. |  | U | Griptooth | Wulven | Ally | | Claw | 5 | 2 | 6 | While every ally you control is a Wulven ally, Griptooth has protector. |  | R | Riphide | Wulven | Ally | | Claw | 7 | 5 | 6 | When Riphide is summoned, it attacks the opposing ally with the lowest health if able. |
Card No | Rarity | Name | Class | Type | Subtype | Atk Type | Cost | ATK | HP | Ability |  | C | Shocking Grasp | Elemental | Ability | Attachment | | 2 | | | Attach to target opposing ally. That ally can't activate abilities. When Shocking Grasp is summoned, that ally takes 2 electrical damage. |  | C | Redux Channel | Elemental | Ability | | | 2 | | | Up to 2 target cards in an opposing graveyard are put on top of their owner's deck and that player takes 1 damage for each card moved this way. |  | C | Reverberate? | Elemental | Ability | Support | | 3 | | | Duration 3. At the end of each turn where at least one card was discarded from your deck, each opposing hero discards 2 cards from their deck. |  | C | Energy Extraction | Elemental | Ability | | | 3 | | | Target friendly ally is killed and your hero loses 1 shadow energy: Target opposing hero or ally takes damage equal to the cost of the killed ally. |  | C | Wave Collapse | Elemental | Ability | | | 4 | | | Target opposing ally has its health and base attack reduced to 1. Discard a card from your deck. |  | C | Stardust Extractor | Elemental | Ally | | | 4 | 4 | 4 | Steadfast. 0: Draw a card. Stardust Extractor's health and base attack are reduced by 1. |  | U | Mimic | Elemental | Ability | | | 3 | | | Target ability in a graveyard except Mimic with cost 3 or less is summoned at no cost, and Mimic is exiled. If the summoned ability was not an attachment or support ability, it is also exiled. |  | U | Reactorary | Elemental | Ally | | | 3 | 4 | 3 | When Reactorary is discarded from anywhere, it enters play instead with -1 base attack and -1 health. |  | U | Exaltation | Elemental | Ability | Attachment | | 6 | | | Attach to target friendly ally. That ally has +4 attack, +4 health and steadfast, and its attachments can't be targeted by opposing players. |  | R | Stardust Ampliflyer | Elemental | Ally | | | 5 | 4 | 5 | Steadfast. When Stardust Ampliflyer gains base attack, all other friendly allies gain +1 base attack. When Stardust Ampliflyer gains health, all other friendly allies gain +1 health. |
Human Ability
Card No | Rarity | Name | Class | Type | Subtype | Atk Type | Cost | ATK | HP | Ability |  | C | Final Flourish? | Human | Ability | | | 1 | | | Target friendly damaged or friendly exhausted ally is killed and target opposing ally takes 3 damage. |  | C | Strength of Conviction? | Human | Ability | Attachment | | 1 | | | Attach to target friendly ally. That ally has +1 attack, or +2 attack if it is a Templar or Twilight ally. |  | C | Twilight Eidolon | Human | Item | Artifact | | 3 | | | When a friendly Twilight ally is killed, that ally is returned to play and Twilight Eidolon is destroyed. 0: Draw a card if you control 2 or more Twilight allies. |  | C | Scriptures of the Righteous? | Human | Item | Artifact | | 2 | | 4 | 1D: If an opposing hero or ally was dealt arcane damage this turn, draw a card. |  | C | Saymeht's Retribution? | Human | Ability | | | 4 | | | Target artifact or support ability is destroyed. |  | C | The Bigger They Are? | Human | Ability | | | 4 | | | If you control at least one ally, the ally with the highest health is killed. |  | U | Road Less Traveled | Human | Ability | | | 2 | | | Target ally is returned to its owner's hand: that ally's owner draws 2 cards. |  | U | Live Together, Die Alone? | Human | Ability | Attachment | | 4 | | | Attach to your hero. At the start of each of your turns, your hero heals 1 damage if there is at least 1 friendly ally in play. |  | U | The Last Harvest? | Human | Item | Artifact | | 1 | | 3 | 3: All friendly allies gain +1 base attack and +1 health. The Last Harvest loses 1 durability. |  | R | Glimmer of Hope | Human | Ability | | | 2 | | | Draw 3 cards and discard 2 of them. |
Shadow Ability
Card No | Rarity | Name | Class | Type | Subtype | Atk Type | Cost | ATK | HP | Ability |  | C | Grave Resistance? | Shadow | Ability | Support | | 0 | | | Duration 3. All damage to friendly Undead allies is reduced by 1. |  | C | Thriss Almanac? | Shadow | Item | Artifact | | 3 | | | Sustain: 1cc. Ravager allies have +1 attack. When Thriss Almanac is destroyed, all opposing allies take 2 damage. |  | C | Despair? | Shadow | Ability | Attachment | | 2 | | | Attach to target opposing ally until the end of its controller's next turn. That ally can't attack or activate abilities. When Despair is summoned, the controller of that ally discards a card from their deck. |  | C | Scheuth Tombstone? | Shadow | Item | Artifact | | 3 | | 3 | 1D: If you summoned an Undead ally this turn, 1 of your resources is renewed and you draw a card. |  | C | Shriek of Revulsion? | Shadow | Ability | | | 4 | | | Target attachment or support ability is destroyed. |  | C | The Harder They Fall? | Shadow | Ability | | | 4 | | | If you control at least one ally, the ally with the highest attack is killed. |  | U | Mark of the Feared? | Shadow | Ability | Attachment | | 3 | | | Attach to target ally. That ally has +3 attack and - 3 health. |  | U | Obelisk of Echoes? | Shadow | Item | Artifact | | 3 | | 2 | 1D: If an opposing ally was killed by a friendly Ravager ally this turn, target item or ability with cost 4 or less is destroyed. |  | U | Meat Wagon | Shadow | Item | Artifact | | 3 | | | The top card of your deck is viewable to all players. While that card is an ally, friendly allies have +1 attack and +1 health. |  | R | All Hope is Lost? | Shadow | Ability | | | 1 | | | Target opposing hero takes 5 unpreventable damage if its controller's deck is empty. Draw a card. |
Neutral Ability
Card No | Rarity | Name | Class | Type | Subtype | Atk Type | Cost | ATK | HP | Ability |  | C | Loom of Fate | Neutral | Item | Artifact | | 1 | | | 1: All players draw a card. |  | C | Crystal Shards | Neutral | Item | Artifact | | 2 | | 4 | Any player may activate the following ability on their turn: 1D: Discard a card from your deck and draw a card. |  | C | Curse of the Aldmor? | Neutral | Ability | Attachment | | 2 | | | Attach to target ally. That ally has Sustain 1SE. |  | C | Vision of Endia | Neutral | Ability | Attachment | | 3 | | | Attach to target opposing ally. All damage to that ally is doubled. |  | C | Overwhelm? | Neutral | Ability | | | 5 | | | All opposing heroes and allies take 1 damage for each ally you control. Draw a card. |  | C | Dawn Raid? | Neutral | Ability | | | 5 | | | Up to 2 target items of cost 4 or less are destroyed. |  | U | Will to Fight? | Neutral | Ability | Attachment | | 3 | | | Attach to target friendly ally until the end of your turn. That ally has haste. |  | U | Widespread Decay? | Neutral | Ability | | | 5 | | | All items with durability lose 1 durability. All items without durability are destroyed. |  | R | Aldmor Accelerator? | Neutral | Item | Artifact | | 4 | | 3 | 1D: Target hero takes 1 damage and gains +1 shadow energy. |  | R | Confluence of Fate | Neutral | Ability | Attachment | | 2 | | | Sustain: 1HP. Attach to your hero. At the end of each of your turns, draw a card for each attachment you summoned that turn, to a maximum of 2 cards per turn. |
Card No | Rarity | Name | Class | Type | Subtype | Atk Type | Cost | ATK | HP | Ability |  | C | Startleshell Vest? | All | Item | Armor | | 2 | 0 | 4 | When combat damage is dealt to your hero, Startleshell Vest has +3 defense until the start of your next turn. |  | C | Platinum Chainmail? | All | Item | Armor | | 2 | 1 | 2 | Friendly allies have +1 attack while in combat with allies with cost 2 or less. Platinum Chainmail doesn't lose durability in combat with allies with cost 2 or less. |  | C | Gold-Laced Shield | All | Item | Armor | | 4 | 2 | 3 | 1D: Target friendly ally has +2 attack until the end of your turn. |  | C | Helm of Saymeht? | All | Item | Armor | | 4 | 1 | 4 | 1D: Target weapon in your graveyard with cost 4 or less is returned to play with 1 durability. |  | U | Ritualist's Headdress | All | Item | Armor | | 2 | 1 | 3 | 1D: Target friendly Twilight ally is killed and target other friendly ally gains +2 base attack and +2 health. |  | U | Splicer's Cloak? | All | Item | Armor | | 2 | 1 | 3 | 1D: Target ally in a graveyard is exiled: Target friendly Homunculus ally gains +1 base attack and +1 health. |  | U | Cleric's Mantle? | All | Item | Armor | | 3 | 1 | 4 | 1D: Target friendly Ravager ally attacks a random opposing hero each time an item or ability is targeted and destroyed this turn, if able. |  | U | Necromancer's Shroud | All | Item | Armor | | 3 | 1 | 3 | 2D: Target Undead ally in your graveyard with cost 3 or less is returned to play readied, with 1 health, and killed at the end of the turn. |  | U | Justicar's Cape? | All | Item | Armor | | 3 | 1 | 3 | 1D: Target ability in your hand is discarded: Target friendly Templar ally is readied and deals arcane combat damage until the end of your turn. |  | U | Pride of the Yari? | Warrior | Item | Armor | | 6 | 2 | 5 | 1D: If an opposing player controls allies greater than or equal to the number you control, target Yari ally gains haste. |  | R | Shock Conductor? | Mage, Elemental | Item | Armor | | 3 | 1 | 4 | 1D: If a card was discarded from anywhere this turn, target opposing ally takes 2 electrical damage. |  | R | Cloak of Phasing? | Mage, Hunter | Item | Armor | | 3 | 1 | 3 | When you summon a Mage or Hunter ability, Cloak of Phasing has +1 defense until the start of your next turn. 1SE: Until the start of your next turn, Cloak of Phasing has +3 defense. |  | R | Aural Battery? | Elemental | Item | Armor | | 4 | 1 | 4 | 1D: Ability damage to opposing heroes and allies is increased by 1 until the start of your next turn. |  | R | Howlfang's Breastplate? | Wulven | Item | Armor | | 4 | 1 | 3 | Friendly Wulven allies gain +1 health at the end of each of your turns. |  | R | Rilard's Buckler? | Warrior, Priest | Item | Armor | | 2 | 1 | 3 | 1D: Target friendly ally with protector gains +1 base attack and +1 health. |  | R | Metamorphic Vest? | Rogue, Elemental | Item | Armor | | 4 | 1 | 4 | When Metamorphic Vest is summoned, target item gains +1 durability. 1D: Target item you control gains +1 durability. |  | R | Robes of Mending? | Priest | Item | Armor | | 5 | 1 | 5 | At the start of each of your turns, your hero heals 1 damage. 2SE: Target hero or ally heals 4 damage and Robes of Mending is destroyed. |  | R | Living Armor? | Mage, Elemental | Item | Armor | | 6 | 4 | 4 | 0SE: Target card in your hand is discarded: Living Armor becomes a readied Homunculus ally that deals electrical combat damage, with base attack equal to its defense and health equal to its durability. |  | E | Prismatic Field? | All | Item | Armor | | 6 | 1 | 6 | When a card is discarded from your deck, it is placed on the bottom of your deck instead of your graveyard. 1D: During the next opposing player's turn, ability damage to your hero is also dealt to their hero. |  | E | Charred Cowl of the Damned | Mage, Hunter | Item | Armor | | 7 | 2 | 5 | When a friendly Undead ally is killed while it is not ablaze, it returns to play set ablaze and is readied at the end of the turn. |
Card No | Rarity | Name | Class | Type | Subtype | Atk Type | Cost | ATK | HP | Ability |  | C | Frying Pan | All | Item | Weapon | | 1 | 1 | 1 | |  | C | Boooomerang | All | Item | Weapon | | 2 | 2 | 1 | When Boooomerang deals combat damage, it is placed on the bottom of its owner's deck. 0SE: Your hero attacks the opposing ally with the highest cost if able. |  | C | Wooden Spear | All | Item | Weapon | | 3 | 1 | 3 | |  | C | Griffoncrest Dagger? | All | Item | Weapon | | 4 | 1 | 4 | While you have fewer than 3 cards in your hand, Griffoncrest Dagger has +1 attack. |  | C | Sword of Might | All | Item | Weapon | | 5 | 2 | 3 | |  | C | Looter's Baton? | All | Item | Weapon | | 5 | 1 | 4 | When your hero kills an ally in combat, draw a card. |  | U | Dagger of Fate | Mage, Elemental | Item | Weapon | | 3 | 1 | 3 | 0SE: If a card was discarded from anywhere this turn, Dagger of Fate has +2 attack until the end of your turn. |  | U | Weevil-tipped Crossbow | Hunter, Rogue | Item | Weapon | | 3 | 2 | 2 | When your hero deals combat damage to an opposing hero, that hero's weapons and armor lose 1 durability. |  | U | Pithing Spear | Warrior, Hunter | Item | Weapon | | 4 | 1 | 4 | When your hero kills an opposing ally in combat, your hero gains +1 shadow energy. |  | U | Rod of Smiting? | Warrior, Priest | Item | Weapon | Arcane | 5 | 2 | 3 | While you control a Templar ally, Rod of Smiting has +1 attack. |  | R | Darkforged Knife? | Mage, Elemental | Item | Weapon | | 4 | 1 | 4 | When Darkforged Knife deals combat damage and an ability activated with shadow energy has been used that turn, each opponent discards 2 cards from their deck. |  | R | Bone Sabre | Mage, Hunter | Item | Weapon | | 5 | 1 | 4 | Ambush. At the end of combat where an opposing ally was damaged by Bone Sabre, that ally is attacked by the friendly Undead ally with the highest attack if able. |  | R | War Flail | Warrior, Priest | Item | Weapon | | 5 | 2 | 4 | Combat damage from your hero can't be prevented by ally or armor abilities. |  | R | Gromm's Whip? | Wulven | Item | Weapon | | 5 | 2 | 4 | 1SE: Target ally takes 1 damage and has +2 attack until the end of your turn. |  | R | Thoughtripper's Cutlass? | Rogue, Hunter | Item | Weapon | | 5 | 2 | 3 | When your hero kills an opposing ally in combat, that ally's controller discards a card from their hand at random. |  | R | Chains of Torment? | Rogue, Wulven | Item | Weapon | | 6 | 1 | 5 | When an opposing ally is killed, Chains of Torment gains +1 base attack. |  | E | Spirit Shuriken? | Hunter, Rogue | Item | Weapon | | 4 | 1 | 4 | 1SE: If there are at least 3 opposing allies in play, target opposing ally is killed. |  | E | Flameforged Scepter? | Mage, Elemental | Item | Weapon | | 4 | 1 | 4 | 1SE: Until the end of your turn, Flameforged Scepter has +1 attack and deals fire damage, and opposing allies that take combat damage from it are set ablaze. |  | E | Lythian Sledgehammer? | Warrior, Wulven | Item | Weapon | | 6 | 2 | 5 | When your hero kills an opposing ally in combat, that ally is exiled and its controller takes 1 damage. |  | E | Emore Crossbow | Hunter | Item | Weapon | Bow | 7 | 2 | 4 | Opposing allies that enter combat with your hero take 1 fire damage and are set ablaze. |